The October virtual LUG meeting will be held on 20th October 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom. Please join the mailing list to receive the link.
This month Tim Williams will be giving a talk on the rapidly developed “Covid Proof” online booking system now being successfully used by the Bala Lake Railway to manage socially distanced operations.
The initial system was developed over a three week period prior to re-opening on 9th July, it has an online booking portal for customers combined with a WordPress+WooCommerce based on line shop, capacity management based on socially distanced 4 and 6 seat bays and a guards interfaced accessible via a tablet used to check people in and create on the spot bookings for people who can’t cope with the online system.
The testing phase was done “live” and involved living on site for two and a half weeks while trains were running, monitoring the data in the system and fixing bugs along the way.
The system has been judged a success by the management and will be further developed for operations in 2021.